Sunday, January 2, 2011

New Workout Regimen

One of the fun features of Asperger's is a tendency to set a routine and adhere to it viciously, and nowhere has this been better expressed than in my gym attendance in the past four years: weight training Monday through Friday, alternating push and pull. Occasionally, the thought occurs to me to change routines, and so I do. Then I continue that routine rigorously for months on end, long after it has lost most of its efficacy.

I'd like to mix things up a little more this year, chiefly because my body is screaming for more cardio and flexibility work. The years of weights have made me dreadfully stiff. So, here's a tentative new weekly schedule. It will probably fluctuate (in fact, I hope it does), but at least there's a basic structure to it.

Stretching. Yoga, maybe?

Weights: Pushing exercises.

Weights: Pulling exercises.

Cardio: Running, jump rope, or whatever else comes to mind.

Weights: Pushing exercises.

Weights: Pulling exercises.

Cardio: Running and/or hiking.

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