Friday, March 4, 2011

Sweet Tooth

I'm getting zombie teeth. You know the type, long, sharp, hungry for the brains of... well, maybe not the third level there, but I'm getting, as they say, long in the tooth. I'm 23; this doesn't normally happen until after 40. So what is the deal?!

Back in October (Around Halloween time... Ooo, zombies...) I wrote up my hypothesis for the digestive issues I'd been experiencing: that they were caused by the reawakening of a latent dairy allergy. This was quickly disproven by the fact that the issues persisted for a while, notwithstanding the use of orange juice for cereal (which is pretty darn good anyhow). Now, it's gone from the middle of the tract to the top, and I'm a little miffed.

It turns out that periodontal disease is pretty darn common, somewhere around 75% of adults get it. In this case, the gums recede until the roots are exposed and sometimes require dental extraction. Not my cup of tea. Oh, and by the way, it seems that the issue has intensified since joining the adult work force and upping my consumption of tea. Turns out, that's a factor. I've also been upping my sugar consumption. It seems that's not only a factor in my mouth but also in my gut. Excess sugar consumption feeds bacteria, which then produce toxins that can kill gum tissue and upset the stomach. Oh really? Tell me more! All that rigorous tooth-brushing I've been doing to massage the gums and clean up the teeth has actually been stressing out the gums even more! It's a zombie trio, and they've caught my chompers by surprise!

A couple of things will need to happen here. I don't think the tissue can regrow, but the shrinkage can be stopped. Fortunately, my smile (when I show it) is unaffected, but I really don't like the idea of going full-zombie. Fortunately, next week is the start of Lent, which gives me a great opportunity to give no processed sugar a test run. That means 40 days of no dessert. Yikes. This will require some serious creativity. I may even include 40 days of no tea and incorporate a new, softer toothbrush. At this rate, I can only hope that this plan succeeds where "no dairy" failed so miserably. Updates in April. Now if only I could find someone willing to consume all the sugary delectables piled up around my apartment...


  1. 1. As one of my best friends since Junior High told me, floss. He's now, 30 years later, my dentist.

    2. No sugar for 40 days. Yikes! Couldn't do it if my life depended on it. Which it probably does.

    3. Does the description of Aspergers in the book Look Me in the Eye accurate? I loved the book by the way.

    4. Hope you don't mind a 40ish year old man following your blog. Your two public followers looked so lonely, so I thought I make it a crowd with three. Plus, the Sequoia National Park visit post pushed me over the top. I am a big national park fan, and often travel alone to such places.

  2. Yes, I've added flossing to my nightly routine, and I'm already seeing a little improvement. It's been one week of no-dessert, and I've only had to turn it down twice. Just 33 more days to go! Haven't yet checked out "Look Me In the Eye." I will add it to my To-Smite List at some point down the road when I get more caught up on projects. Thanks for following!


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